1.a perforated metal disk at the end of the spindle or headstock of a lathe for holding a workpiece in place
2.the transparent part of a piece of protective headgear that protects the face while allowing the wearer to see
3.the front of a cathode-ray tube, on which an image is seen
1.It was too much to endure, even through a polarized faceplate, and Tom squinted his eyes nearly shut.
2.Her fair face into a faceplate, always toward the sun, daily follow him, to tell him her love will never change.
3.There was no any electrode for the packaging faceplate.
4.Yes, very clearly. I used a pair of tinted safety goggles as part of the faceplate.
5.The luminescent screen is disposed on an interior su*ce of a faceplate panel (12) with an aluminum layer (23) overlying the screen.
6.The block is mounted to a large faceplate on the lathe and a dial indicator is used to find the center of the cylinder holes.
7.The lib is jointed up with the faceplate through the aluminum bolts sealed on the back, thus to shape firmly together as a whole.
8.Analog Hall-Effect sensors are used to determine the presence or absence of magnets that identify the type of faceplate being used.
9.Many custom faceplate sizes are available, allowing analog phones from other manufacturers to be easily replaced.
10.The last modification required to the brake faceplate, is making the plate flush with the steering knuckle faceplate.